More about the Radiusphere Founders Club NFTs
In the interest of full-disclosure, I will be discussing the Founders Club NFTs, how to get one and the distinction between Radiusphere “Fine Art” NFTs and “Founders Club” NFTs.
If you’ve not already, I encourage you to dig into Radiusphere Countdown Memorandum 035/109. This is where I first announced the Free NFT Giveaway. Also many of your questions about the formalities of the promotion can be found by exploring the “Founders Club” Free NFT Giveaway Official Rules.
Radiusphere Fine Art vs. Founders Club NFTs
The 109 Radiusphere “Fine Art” NFTs are only available for purchase via OpenSea starting on June 3rd.
The 109 “Founders Club” NFTs are only available as a reward to for who participate in the growth and promotion of the Radiusphere Fine Art Community.
Specific to the 109 “Founders Club” NFTs, here are some details about them and their purpose and distribution…
Radiusphere Founders Club
The Founders Club Giveaway will take place in five stages. In the same way that the SALE of each Radiusphere FINE ART token “triggers” the release of the next numbered NFT in the FINE ART collection, the milestone of reaching a certain number of followers and/or subscribers in various Radiusphere Fine Art online communities, “triggers” the subsequent NFT giveaway.
Ultimately, growth is vitally important to us all—the more exposure Radiusphere has to curious NFT collectors and Fine Art connoisseurs, the better.
Founders Club Distribution Details
Radiusphere Founders Club Free NFT Giveaway No. 1
Total RFC NFTs in Giveaway No. 1 = 10 Founders Club NFTs
10 Founders Club NFTs will be awarded via random drawing from the first 100 complete and verified Giveaway entries.
Radiusphere Founders Club Free NFT Giveaway No. 2
Total RFC NFTs in Giveaway No. 2 = 10 Founders Club NFTs
Out of the first 500 entries, an additional 10 Founders Club NFTs will be awarded via random drawing from complete and verified entries.
Radiusphere Founders Club Free NFT Giveaway No. 3
Total RFC NFTs in Giveaway No. 3 = 10 Founders Club NFTs
Out of the first 1000 entries, an additional 10 Founders Club NFTs will be awarded via random drawing from complete and verified entries.
Radiusphere Founders Club Free NFT Giveaway No. 4
Total RFC NFTs in Giveaway No. 4 = 10 Founders Club NFTs
Out of the first 10000 entries, an additional 10 Founders Club NFTs will be awarded via random drawing from complete and verified entries.
Radiusphere Founders Club Free NFT Giveaway No. 5
Total RFC NFTs in Giveaway No. 5 = 10 Founders Club NFTs
Out of the first 50000 entries, an additional 10 Founders Club NFTs will be awarded via random drawing from complete and verified entries.
The Radiusphere Founders Club Giveaway has been intentionally structured so as to increase the odds of receiving a Founders Club NFT, should you be among the earliest supporters of the project.
Addition ways to earn Founders Club NFTs
The remaining 59 Founders Club NFTs are reserved for significant contribution within the Radiusphere Community.
High Council Members: 20 RFC NFTs
For contribution in substantial ways consistent with the vision and mission of Radiusphere, 20 Founders Club NFTs are viable to those who make significant contributions to fostering a thriving and dynamic community.
VIPs, Celebrities and Influencers: 20 RFC NFTs
For contribution to the growth and impact of Radiusphere, 20 Founders Club NFTs are available to those who use their brand and prestige to promote Radiusphere and accelerate its positive impact.
“The Architect” Radiusphere the Creator: 19 RFC NFTs
The remaining 19 Founders Club NFTs are held by “The Architect”. Their use is at the sole discretion of Radiusphere the creator.
Everything for Radiusphere Fine Art
Every initiative—specifically the formation of the “Founders Club” and the Free NFT Giveaway is focused on exposing the 109 Radiusphere Fine Art NFTs.
On Friday, June 3rd, 2022 at 21:09 GMT, I will release Radiusphere NFT 001 via Opensea NFT auction. Much has been, and will continue to be, written about this journey towards infinite creativity—towards creating beauty—towards minimizing suffering… Ultimately towards, liberation.
Thank you, sincerely, for joining me in this adventure. Your support, affirmation, encouragement has been life-giving. I can only hope to repay your kindness by sharing my creation and my inspiration with you. May you find the courage to become, to dream, to create, to live.
With love,
~Radiusphere, Fine Are NFT Creator
PS., Please participate in the Free NFT Giveaway. Please share Radiusphere with others. As will be proven, over time, the words I’ve crafted throughout this journey will become as significant as the 109 unique pieces of Digital Fine Art I’m offering to the world.
PPS., Always. Pay close attention…
Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT
RadiusphereNFT 001/109
Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace