Creating the Radiusphere Fine Art NFT collection
The beauty of all of this is that we get to be who we are—who we truly are. Creating the Radiusphere Fine Art NFT collection has given me a glimpse into myself that I had not yet encountered, and don’t know that I would have, ever, were it not for my compulsion to breathe life into these works of abstract digital art.
This—the becoming—is a beautiful thing. More often than not, it is in the pursuit of our potential that we unlock magical possibilities. I am no different than you. I doubt. I fear. I fail. I am human, and to be such involves the aforementioned pulls towards sabotage.
The prescription to my plight, and yours too…
However, in my becoming, I see these as the answers I’ve always longed for. When doubt enters, I respond with perfect curiosity. When fear invades, I choose belief in what will be—I fill every part of my soul with positive emotion emanating from a vision for the already realized dream. This is alchemy in its most powerful form.
Setbacks befall us all
And when I fail, as we all do. I reject self criticism, judgement and loathing. In its place I insert compassion and forbearance. I refocus on the prize and I shatter the illusionary boundaries chaining me to inconsequence.
This is the process by which Radiusphere has come into being. Every day, with method and unwavering faith, I create. I write, I design, I build, I promote. Knowing—feeling—seeing—that the end of my pursuit is success beyond wildest comprehension. As if my vision and intention is the law of the universe.
This is the heart of Radiusphere. Thusly, it only seemed fitting to cloak Radiusphere—The Architect—in something which gives substance, which endears. The visual imagery I’ve chosen to lend to Radiusphere is that of the unconditionally loving, loyal and gentle Golden Retriever. This soul is gentle yes, but mighty too… Radiusphere is empowered by the brilliance and universe-bending powers of the Grand Wizards of old. A perfect combination. Wouldn’t you agree?

This is The Architect of Radiusphere. This is me, at my best. Power, balanced with service and love. Hope emboldened with knowledge of what is, and what will be.
Everything has meaning—it is the meaning we give it. We are masters of destiny or slaves to regret.
Radiusphere and the 109 Fine Art NFTs I’ve created are my destiny—they are the destiny for many others too. Join in our triumph.
~Radiusphere, Fine Art NFT Creator
PS. I am growing a community of loyalist on Discord. While in the earliest stages, this NFT Community will become the finest Fine Art Discord Server in the World—with your help and passion.
PPS. Always. Pay close attention…
Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT
Radiusphere Fine Art NFT | 001/109
Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace