Eighty-six days to OpenSea NFT Art Launch.
On Friday, June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 (GMT) Radiusphere #001 will be listed for 24 hours via OpenSea NFT Art auction. The sale of Radiusphere Fine Art NFT #001 will trigger the listing of #002, precisely 24 hours from the close of the OpenSea NFT art auction. This sales cadence will continue, in 24 hour cycles, until the sale of Radiusphere #108.
The details for the sale of the final Radiusphere non fungible token art (Radiusphere NFT #109), will be released once the transaction for #108 is complete.
Much of this is highlighted in the FAQs. However, more details will be scattered throughout these Radiusphere NFT Countdown Memos in the days leading up to the OpenSea NFT Art auction.
“People are buying and selling NFTs today and 99% of the people in this world are not aware of this billion-dollar market and this opportunity is really a once in a century opportunity.” ~ Anuj Jasani
This unique OpenSea NFT Art moment in time
Fortunes will be made and lost (especially when you account for the opportunity cost of inaction). Radiusphere NFTs are a liberation experiment—focusing on the act of creation as humanities most infinite and beautiful contribution.
Don’t let it pass you by,