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Radiusphere NFT Memo 043/109: Everything you want, already is…

Keep going–it is yours

It is real. Already. 

Keep going. You see it. Don’t waiver. Be resolute. Be courageous. Remain. Hopeful. 

It’s yours for the taking. It’s yours for the creating. 

You are it. It is you. 


The hardships are blessings. 

The challenges are gifts.

The trials manufacture growth. 

Each requires response. 

The response is key—if you choose to quickly overcome. Move forward with speed and intention. 

All of it is yours. Keep going. Keep believing. Keep seeing. Keep creating. Feel it. Know it. Believe it. Choose it. 

Act upon it all—now. 

Be in a hurry to become

I need you. You need me. We need all that each other is—most especially what each other is becoming. 


Close your eyes. 

See it. 

Dream it. 

Feel it. 

Let what you see and dream and feel fill up every void in your soul. 

Then. Act. Build. Create. Smile. Enjoy. Learn. Of all the cycles, this is the most virtuous of them all.

It is true.

I believe in you—I love you, all…


PS. Never forget…

From day one, my mission with these countdown memoranda, as well as the forthcoming Radiusphere NFT crypto Art release, has been to encourage us all to become—to grow, intentionally, into the highest versions of ourselves. 

This "becoming" requires choice. This process is specific and contingent upon our willingness to explore possibilities most have never imagined. 

Constantly moving towards the highest potential inside of us is the only way to replicate success. 

On Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT the world will get its first glimpse of Radiusphere Crypto Art NFT, #001.

PPS. Always. Create Beauty & Minimize Suffering...

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere NFT Crypto Art | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

Radiusphere Fine Art NFT Memo 042/109: Clarity


Whatever it is you’re walking through—this much is true.

It is not happening to you—it is happening for you.


Ask yourself a simple question, with every thought, frustration, feeling of stress, anger, confusion, disappointment…

What can I learn from this?


Make this your aim.

Always look for more speed—learn as quickly as possible. Create systems that accelerate your understanding.

The Path

This is the path to clarity.

This is the path to growth.

This, simply, is the—path.


PS. Maybe you’re asking this question

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere Fine Art NFT | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

NFT Crypto Art: Why Vitalik Buterin is misguided about NFTs

NFT Crypto Art vs. Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik—while brilliant and a gift to humanity—omniscient about NFT crypto art, he is not.

The father to Ethereum has recently done a disservice to his creation. In comments about NFT Token technology, Buterin expressed his disdain for NFT crypto art—its collectors and creators. While I respect his opinion and sympathize with the burden he bears as the mouthpiece for Ethereum, he is misguided, and his choice of words are counter productive at best—destructive at worst.

Vitalik Buterin on Bored Ape Yacht Club :

“One silver lining of the situation in the last three weeks is that it has reminded a lot of people in the crypto space that ultimately the goal of crypto is not to play games with million-dollar pictures of monkeys, it’s to do things that accomplish meaningful effects in the real world.”

Rather than scoff at NFT crypto art creators and their success, Vitalik should champion the exposure that they have given his creation and the Non Fungible Token Technology built upon it. These “million-dollar pictures of monkeys” have accomplished more in terms of evangelism and enthusiasm for blockchain potential, in mere months, than he has in a decade.

NFT Crypto Art is not the Enemy

NFT Crypto Art creators and Vitalik’s grand vision for “accomplishing meaningful effects in the real world” are not mutually exclusive pursuits.

Someone as intelligent and aware of mechanism design should not only understand this, but be inspired by how his grand experiment is playing out.

For it is the NFT crypto art creators and collectors who are accelerating Ethereum’s journey through the technology adoption curve (thank you Geoffrey Moore—The Law of Diffusion of Innovation).

The universe is a tapestry of perverse and competing incentives. Alignment of these incentives is the only hope we have to create meaningful and long-lasting outcomes. Alignment is never created through shame and self aggrandizement—it is always created by design—hopefully with compassion and inspiration for what should be.

I choose, rather than ridicule, to applaud NFT crypto art creators and collectors, including Bored Ape Yacht Club.

Rather than hinder NFT token adoption, I choose to promote the possibility in it all—albeit messy.

What would the Dread Pirate Roberts do?

I am not endorsing illegal behavior, but a case should be made…

What would Bitcoin be were it not for the Dread Pirate Roberts?  These “million-dollar pictures of monkeys” are perfectly legal, perfectly artistic and an entirely more ecological adaptation of the technology than blackmarket drug sales. 

Mr. Buterin, I implore you—don’t heap your burning coals of self-righteous judgment on NFTs—or the creators and collectors who’ve pushed forward your dream of what could be. These are our dreams, these are our visions—stand down.


PS. Vitalik, If you’re curious about who I am, what incentivizes me as a NFT Crypto Art creator and my vision for Radiusphere—please read the Radiusphere Manifesto and Radiusphere NFT Countdown Memoranda.

PPS. Always, pay close attention

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere Fine Art NFT | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

Radiusphere NFT Memo 039/109: Certainty, for what will be

Certainty, for what will be, is the missing link


Not more effort. 

Not better marketing. 

Not a more strategic sales strategy.

Not a more robust network.

Not more financial horsepower.

Not more manipulative sales copy.

Not consultants, or advisors, or gurus.

“Optimism is the true moral courage”
~ Ernest Shackleton

Certainty—absolute belief in what must be

Belief yes, coupled with purposeful action, rooted firmly—impenetrably—in the “knowing of what is to be”.

What are you certain of?

What is pulling you towards it?

Does the future you see compel you towards resourceful action?

It does me.

I am. Certain.


PS. 71 days!

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere Fine Art NFT | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

Radiusphere NFT Memo 037/109: What Wants You?

What wants you?

When you close your eyes and dream about what could be—what is it that could be?

What wants you?

What wants you to be, what wants you to explore, what compels you to create

What wants you?

What wants you today, and tomorrow, and 10 years from now? What do you dream people will say about you? What legacy will you leave to those you love? 

What wants you? Do you even know?

I do.

The wants that chase me

I know exactly every want that chases me.

I want to create from abundance—from belief, from knowing that everything I see in my mind is already mine.

I want to soar in creativity—from a place of certainty, resting in the truth that the act of creation is divine.

I want to speak and act, and think and dream—out of perfect peace, perfect conviction, perfect determinism.

I want to become—the highest, the best, the most beautiful and imaginative version of myself.

I want to create beauty.  I want to minimize suffering.

I know what wants me, do you?

Take a moment to breathe in deeply of all that is.

Close your eyes and imagine a “now” where you are everything you want to be.  Let that powerful image overwhelm every part of who you are.

This is you.

Do everything from this place

Do everything—every action, every conversation, every thought—from this place of knowing.

You are you. I am me. It is humanity on extravagant display.


PS. The Radiusphere Fine Art NFT Digital Art Collection was created with intention from complete surrender to unlimited possibilities. In fact, these very words you read originate from that same place—complete surrender.

PPS. Join me.

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere Fine Art NFT | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

Radiusphere NFT Memo 036/109: Triggers of Triumph

Triggers, triggers, triggers everywhere…

Triggers from negativity, fear, doubt—triggers from war, news, corporate media, from trolls…

Triggers from haters, posers, sell-outs—everywhere we look, so much of it is negativity…

The world is a big, enormous, cosmic trigger

Isn’t it wonderful?

Why can’t we be triggered by beauty?

Why can’t we be triggered by creativity and industriousness and invention and vision?

Why can’t we be triggered by skill and craftsmanship and artistry?

Why can’t we transform triggers from negative—to positive?

Why can’t we reclaim them as life-giving—rather than life-sucking?


Why can’t we transmute them into their seed of equivalent benefit as, Napoleon Hill once, so brilliantly asserted?

Pain is everywhere—constantly pulling us toward dark, horrible places of thought and mind and soul and hurt.

Choose Triggers of Triumph

Choose the exact opposite. And, make it true with all power and intention.

Choose, rather, to be triggered by all that is good—choose to be triggered by all that is true. 

We can, if we so choose, be triggered by all that is hope and beauty and love and joy and fruit and life.


PS. Yesterday I mentioned the creation of the Radiusphere “Founders Club” Free NFT Giveaway. Check out that post, if you haven’t already.

PPS. Choose your triggers wisely, or they will carry you towards the abyss.

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere Fine Art NFT | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

What is NFT art?

Is it possible to create NFT art without first creating, Art? It does beg the question… What is NFT Art? One could, easily enough, create a NFT, but are they—in harnessing immutability—creating Art?


Those beautifully granular nuances where meaning of unfathomable importance is unlocked. And yes, there is a distinction between the creation of a NFT and the creation of art.

Although, it might not be what you think…

So, again I ask, what is NFT Art?


Art is not perception.

Art is not social validation, professional acclaim or economic utility.

Art is not taste or trend. 

Art creation begins, simply—with intention.

When you set out to harness Non Fungible Token technology—was there intention to, synchronously, create art?

What were your intentions?

This simple question gives a glimpse into causality.

When the universe co-opts your unintentional creation as art

Occasionally, one creates with zero intention of producing art. And yet, the marketplace, and the enigma of incentives which drive it, commandeers your efforts and transmutes them into something globally esteemed as art.

How fascinating it is when forces outside of ones control break all the rules.

And thus the dance continues—for those making art, for those exploiting the NFT craze, for those desperately trying to make sense of it all, and, for those feverishly attempting to manipulate space and time to marry both Art creation and the infinite possibility of Non Fungible Tokens.

What a beautifully “cryptic” time we live in,


PS. My quite literal answer to the question, “what is NFT Art”, will be “experienced” on Friday, June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 (GMT) when Radiusphere #001 will be listed for 24 hours via OpenSea NFT Art auction.

PPS. Pay close attention, although some of you will not.

Those who do you will find details scattered through out these messages that will help you increase you chance of ownership.

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT
Radiusphere NFT Crypto Art | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

Radiusphere NFT Memo 33/109: NFT Crypto Art the Marriage of Cryptocurrency and Art

NFT Crypto Art

NFT Crypto Art and Marriage.

Some believe in them and some do not.

Cryptocurrency Art and Marriage. 

To some, both are life-giving. To others, each is full of deep regret and disillusionment. 

NFT Crypto Art and Marriage.

For few, both are keys to wealth and prosperity—joy and happiness. For others, they are a path to pain and regret.

Could it be then that both are a metaphor for life?

NFT Crypto Art, the Marriage of Cryptocurrency and Art

Isn’t it interesting that both marriage and cryptocurrency art investing could have such vastly different outcomes for humans.

What is the constant in that equation?

Yes, we humans are the constant. Our shortcomings are the constant. Our unrealized potential is the constant. Our unaddressed brokenness is the constant.

Success is what you become, not the path you take

Much, if not all, depends on us.

It depends on who we are when we chose to engage with these opportunities (Romance, Career,  Education, NFT Crypto Art investing). For in marriage, as with in NFT crypto art collecting, the choice is always ours.

Will we become, who we must become, in order to skillfully navigate the challenges that lie ahead?

Will we grow, or remain stagnant in our complacency and mediocrity?

Radiusphere NFT Crypto Art 

From day one, my mission with these countdown memoranda, as well as the forthcoming Radiusphere NFT crypto Art release, has been to encourage us all to become—to grow, intentionally, into the highest versions of ourselves.

This “becoming” requires choice. This process is specific and contingent upon our willingness to explore possibilities most have never imagined.

Constantly moving towards the highest potential inside of us is the only way to replicate success.

On Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT the world will get its first glimpse of Radiusphere Crypto Art NFT, #001.

The sale of Radiusphere Fine Art NFT #001 will trigger the listing of #002, precisely 24 hours from the close of the OpenSea NFT art auction.  This sales cadence will continue, in 24 hour cycles, until the sale of Radiusphere #108.

The details for the sale of the final Radiusphere non fungible token art (Radiusphere NFT #109), will be released once the transaction for #108 is complete.

Pay close attention,


PS. As a friendly reminder, I’ve recently launched the Radiusphere Fine Art Discord Server which, with your help, will become the best non representational art Discord nfts group on the Discord platform

I invite you to join this curated collection of enthusiastic collectors, dreamers, builders, creators, investors, and innovators. 

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere NFT Crypto Art | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

Radiusphere NFT Memo 031/109: Envision the future 

When you envision the future

When you envision the future, what do you see—when you close your eyes and you are the person you must be to see it?

When you envision the future, what does it say—when, in stillness you create space to hear?

I know what it says, even when you don’t.

The future you envision, whispers

It’s yours, all of it. It’s yours for the taking.

We know it’s hard—but it’s worth it—all of it.

We know you’ve stumbled and tripped and fumbled and failed—but it’s worth it.

We see what you can’t see, and we are what you’ve not yet become. 

It’s all, every part, worth it.

Keep going.

Please keep going. 


It’s worth the pain.

It’s worth the fear.

It’s worth the doubt.

It’s worth the trauma and questioning and comparing and second-guessing—it is worth it all.

We are you. We have everything you have. We’ve just seen more.

We just know more—because we’re there—already.

We just feel more—because it’s real for us in ways you can only hope it will be real for you.

It is real nonetheless.

Remember we are you and you are us.

There is no distinction except that which is found in time. And, yes, space too… 

The only way to delete, and it most certainly will erase us, and all that you could’ve had, all that you could've been—all that you could've seen and realized.

The only certainty is, if you quit, you and us—we—will never be.

If you quit, we transition—from that which is, to that which was—only a possibility, only a dream.

This is the only way that we are not—your choice to—not—envision the future.

Do whatever you must

Learn whatever you must. Become whatever you must, in order to persevere.

For when you do, and I desperately hope you do—what a beautiful future you will have.

Keep going.

Keep creating beauty—keep minimizing suffering,


Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere NFT | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace

Radiusphere NFT Memo 029/109: Non Representational Art

What is Non Representational Art, and why should NFT Art Collectors care?

As a child I was drawn to the Choose Your Own Adventure series of books. If you’re familiar with these books, they are crafted in such a way as to leave critical choices up to the reader. Often these decisions have significant consequences and, quite parlously, or quite victoriously, shift the outcome for the reader. Similarly, Non Representational Art (or abstract art) leaves many of the defining decisions up to the one gazing into the vastness. 

Radiusphere Non Representational Digital Art

It is what you “will” it  to be.

It is what you see, feel, breathe—all that captures your soul.

Non Representational Art is you—and you are it.

I’ve known for some time that mine was a trajectory not aligned with many others. I’ve categorically “seen” the universe quite differently than that of my peers—my family—my acquaintances.

This is ok—for from lonely separation was born my vision for what is. And, what will be—Radiusphere NFT is, and will be.

I can’t wait to hear what you hear.

I can’t wait to feel what you feel.

I am overwhelmed as I imagine what it will be like when I see what you see—for the first time.


In mere days (81 from this writing), you will know first hand the magic of Radiusphere. And, for many days to follow as more of the 109 Fine Art NFTs are sold and subsequent Radiusphere NFTs are offered for sale—there will be more and more unveiling—more and more discovery. 

What a wondrous journey—a fantastic voyage—indeed!


PS. Are you an onlooker? Are you sitting on the sidelines envying the prosperity that others manufacture? Or, are you the creator of your destiny—the builder of your beautifully radiant and extravagantly abundant future? 

PPS. Whatever you do, pay close attention. For of us all, choice is required. Be certain you’re choosing the very best adventure you can.

Friday June 3rd 2022 @ 21:09 GMT

Radiusphere NFT | 001/109

Opensea NFT New Fine Art Marketplace